The S.M.A.R.T Program
Guest post by Lori L. Shemek, PhD, CNC, CLC
Most of us start an exercise program and soon give-up. Why? When we first begin we are all pumped-up ready to follow our goal(s) without fail. One problem is that initially we may have too much exuberance. This leads to over-training resulting in injury. But most commonly, it is our inability to stick with the program due to injury, external/internal events and more. If I told you there was a blue-print, a map, that told you everything you must do in order to be successful in your exercise endeavors, would you want to learn about it? Well, look no further. Here I have put together a simple list of necessary elements that are vital to your successful health goals. The program I’ve created is called the S.M.A.R.T Program. These five actions will literally create fitness success in your life.
The S.M.A.R.T Program
S – Schedule
Schedule your exercise. There is much research showing that by writing down the date and time you will be exercising will ensure success. By scheduling your work-outs, you are creating neuronal pathways in the brain that set-up this expectation that you will be exercising on a certain day and at a certain time. After roughly three weeks, you will have literally created a habit! The act of scheduling also conquers the objection to “I don’t have enough time to exercise” Treat your scheduled exercise with the same regard as you would a doctor or dentist appointment.
M – Motivation
Motivation can be hard to come by when we are faced with all of the external and internal pullings of our lives. This is why, if you are to remain motivated – you must always remember the reason why you wanted to exercise in the first place. Go back to that place when you were first energized and ready to conquer the world! Keep the reasons “why” imprinted in your brain and habitually go to it when motivation wanes.
A – Action
Just Do It! I know it can be difficult to get moving at times, but just remember creates energy. The more you move your body, the more energy you have – even while exercising. By moving your body you will profoundly change your life. You will have the leg strength to move your body easily through life, you will have a heart that will not have to work as hard, and you will have powerful lungs. So, from now on, do not think about whether or not you’ll exercise – put your shoes on and Just Do It! Let me repeat: Just Do It!
R – Rest
Do you know why most people quit their exercise programs? Injury and fatigue. These people are so energized in the beginning, that they go to the gym twice a day, they run way to many miles, they pump way too much iron etc, and then they get injured, discouraged and quit. Rest is vital to a well-rounded exercise program. By over-doing your fitness, you are depleting your energy stores rather than building them up. This has an overall effect that targets your motivation and action. Important: Start out slow and easy, then gradually build-up your endurance.
T – Tenacity
Did you know that some of the most successful people in the world share a common characteristic? They are tenacious. They persist until they have achieved their goal, even when they feel like quitting. You must believe that you hold the power to do anything that you set your mind to. When you feel like giving up – ask yourself if there isn’t something else you can do. Can I put more effort into making my fitness goals a reality? Have I tried another strategy? Will quitting help me accomplish my goals? Remember that trials will come, difficulties will arise and you will want to quit. Reject all thoughts of failure. Tomorrow is another day and as long as you get back on the horse, you will succeed..because you are tenacious.
Your health and your quality of life depend upon your actions. As long as you follow the S.M.A.R.T. Program tenets – you will achieve success!
“Our decisions – not the condition of our lives – determine our destiny.” ~Tony Robbins
Living a healthy life is easy once you have the knowledge. If you would like to learn more about how to easily integrate the S.M.A.R.T Program into your life or any other area of health and nutrition, please visit us here: and while you are visiting, please sign-up for your FREE Health Tips. Here you will find everything you need to create optimum health in your life.

Lori-L. Shemek, Ph.D.
Lori L. Shemek, PhD, CNC, CLC, is Founder and President of DLS HealthWorks. Lori has devoted the past 20 years practicing and teaching others how to easily CREATE OPTIMUM HEALTH in their lives. Lori is the Co-Author of “A Practical Guide On Aging Parents And Nutrition.
Article Source:,_Ph.D.
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November 15, 2010 at 4:44 pm
Lori, that is a lovely, well thought out list. Thank you for sharing.
Tenacity is an area that I am working on. Thank you for the reminder.
November 15, 2010 at 5:36 pm
I find that the schedule is the most critical for me. If I don’t schedule my workout, and stick to it, I get lost and it doesn’t get done. That’s where the tenacity comes in handy I guess. haha
November 15, 2010 at 6:34 pm
I think I’m going to want to ask you to let me take a bit of this in a little while and put it on the Wii Moms (I’ll lead them here) later this month. I have my home page filled with Subway and the Twitter party now but this is the perfect lead in to what I’m saying to everyone right now.
November 16, 2010 at 7:11 am
@Anne, Tenacity does seem like the forgotten point, doesn’t it. I know tenacious people (I’m married to one), but it doesn’t seem like a common trait.
@Tim, I’m with you on the schedule. If I don’t schedule my training, it’ll get put off… and eventually forgotten.
@Julie, I don’t think that Lori would mind you linking back to her article. Any connection with Wii Mommies is always welcome. In fact, I’m going to add them to the blogroll.
November 16, 2010 at 7:29 am
Thank you @Ann! I appreciate that very much! Yes..Tenacity is vital in any endeavor – an important key to success. So great you are working on that Ann.
@Tim LOL! Yes they do go hand in hand..My number one rule with my clients..Schedule your exercise.
@Julie Absolutely! I’d be honored! Thank you and see you at the Twitter party!
November 16, 2010 at 8:06 am
Such SMART advice! Scheduling is also my number one priority when it comes to exercising. It is truly amazing how an auto-pilot habit develops after a relatively short period of scheduling!
November 16, 2010 at 8:41 am
@Deb, you’re right-as long as we can be consistent, it doesn’t take long to develop a good habit.
November 18, 2010 at 12:43 am
Lori – Great post! It’s funny, because my motivation is evolving and shifting. I’m happy to say that exercising & healthy living habits make me feel better (mentally & physically) so it has been a gift to stay motivated. Tenacity? Well… just by sticking to it, little by little, and celebrating my personal successes (and they are small) has helped me to stay with it. Great job once again!
November 18, 2010 at 1:46 pm
@Kris, it sounds like you’re on the right tack. Keep up the great job!
November 22, 2010 at 12:16 pm
Hi @Deb! Now THAT was SMART advice!
You are so right..within a short time the scheduling becomes automatic and you will see that if you do not exercise at the scheduled time – something will feel amiss. Thanks Deb!
Hi @Kris! It sounds as though you’ve integrated the emotional aspects of why exercise is important as opposed to ‘just’ the physical reasons. Very important to look inward as well. Great that you reward yourself many don’t. Reward creates motivation and you know what motivation produces? Results! Thanks so much Kris!